Archive for the ‘Appreciating little things’ Tag

A Blessing for Little Things   2 comments

Franschhoek, South Africa

November 1, 2o1o


I enjoy beginning my days with what Julia Cameron calls morning pages – a discipline for writers,

or anyone who wants to spend 15 minutes at the beginning of each day, tuning in to whatever wants to be written, without too much fuss or judgement.

Here is today’s humble offering.


A Blessing for Little Things


Barbara Nussbaum

At times when days feel long

Find beauty in slow time

Let your eyes linger on the insignificant details

Of nature’s flows and rhythms

Celebrate the eclipsed glory of a strelitzia

Pert bright orange  and purple flowers

Transformed into a messy shreds, dull and  faded brown

Marvel at the grace of birds small and large

As they fly, as they land

Hear the gentle sounds of each moment

Of life’s little orchestra

Car sounds, bird song, random chirps of birds

Improvising effortlessly though silence

Making today’s unique musical composition

Appreciate the sensual movement of random leaves dancing

The pride of lemons turning bright yellow

The movement of the wind inspiring a different dance

In every tree

Look up at the large sky

Appreciating the naturalness of its large canvas

May you feel  gratitude for all you see around you

The wispy clouds, the solitary fallen leaf

Yes! There is a joy in noticing little things

And loving the beginning of each new day.